
O God, Our Father, I praise and thank you for everyday comes to me from you filled with new opportunities to learn something new, to bear witness to your merciful love, to lend a helping hand to those in need, to come closer to my loved ones and fellowmen. You have created me marvelously distinct from others to challenge me to fulfill my unique mission in life. Grant me the necessary grace to be faithful and fruitful.

Lord Jesus Christ, Divine Mercy Incarnate, You “thought with a human mind, acted by human choice and loved with a human heart” to communicate eloquently God’s merciful love. Your Sacred Heart pierced by a soldier’s lance is the most fervent appeal to my indifferent and sinful heart. As a grateful response, I renew my resolve to live always in conformity with your Will and to put my life totally at Your service in establishing God’s Kingdom of love, joy, peace and justice on my particular life-setting. With great confidence in Your love. I consecrate to you everything: my daily joys and sorrows, my struggles and works, my studies and recreation, my failures and successes, my daily dying to selfishness.

May Immaculate, my Mother. I imitation of God our Father who entrusted Jesus to your loving care, I too give my all to You: all that I am, all that I have, all that I do and all that I aspire to be. In the same way that you formed the heart of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, form my heart to be the throne of the Holy Trinity that my whole being may be a radiance of God’s goodness and mercy. Amen.


O Jesus, Divine Mercy Incarnate, transform me completely that I may be your living reflection. SHARPEN MY EYES to see everyday the marvels of God’s creation, to recognize God’s loving design in my life and the life of others, to behold the beauty and dignity of each person I meet. GUIDE MY LIPS to speak the truth and to utter words of wisdom, kindness and encouragement to those who are confused, depressed and afraid. SENSITIZE MY EARS to listen attentively to my motivation and conviction and to the deepest needs of others. USE MY SMILE to bring the radiance of hope and joy emanating from Christ’s resurrection into the gloom of discouraged hearts. STRENGTEHN MY ARMS to support someone who wavers and falls by the wayside. INSTRUCT MY HANDS to reach out in friendship to those who are overcome by loneliness and to perform well my God-given responsibility. KEEP MY KNEES bent in prayer in humility and in penance for my sins and for those who do not recognize God’s merciful love. DIRECT MY FEET to guide my brothers and sisters along God’s way not so much through my words or exhortation but through the silent power of example. MOLD MY WILL to God’s will as I carry out creatively the unique mission God has entrusted me for the realization of God’s Kingdom. TEACH MY HEART to respect, value, understand and forgive others that I may be an effective instrument in uniting God’s family wherever I am – at Home, in school, in places of work, in the market place, on the streets. Amen.

O God, our loving Father, as everything around me is enveloped by the darkness of the night, draw me closer to Your heart like a baby sleeping securely on it’s mother’s bosom. O Holy Spirit, put into my heart gratitude for everything which happened today. I believe that in it and through it all, You have been with me and embracing me with your everlasting love. O Jesus, Divine Mercy Incarnate, in You God gives me every good and perfect gift. In you, I live, move and have my being. I thank You for the lovely things I have seen, touched and enjoyed today; for the wise things I have heard and learned; for the good deeds I am enabled to do through the Holy Spirit. I thank You for the daily dosage of sorrows and joys, laughters and tears, silence and noise, doubts and anxieties, successes and failures, dreams and disappointments, difficulties and consolations which are part and parcel of my growth to Christian Maturity. I thank you for my loved ones, my friends, acquaintances and all people I have met today who made me feel needed, valued, forgiven, understood and appreciated. I thank you for the temptations I have resisted through Your grace, for the warning, rebuke, criticisms and counsels which have kept me from mistakes and have shaken my pride. O Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother; Your Immaculate Heart is the most perfect human response to the unceasing call of love from God. My Sins, mistakes, failures and frailties make me realize I am like the empty jug at the wedding at Cana. Please request Jesus to fill up my emptiness and inadequacies with the Holy Spirit’s wine of joy, forgiveness, freedom and peace.

Pause and Examine Your Conscience (Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the grace of honesty to discern if the following 7 capital sins showed their ugly heads in your thoughts and behavior today: PRIDE, GREED, LUST, ANGER, ENVY, SLOTH, GLUTTONY. Express your contrition and resolution to be a better person.)


O Most Holy Trinity, Undivided unity. Tonight I lift up to you my Prayer Partner (Name of your Prayer Partner). Let him/her experience the warmth of your merciful Love that he/she may discover the joy and security of your healing embrace. Fill him/her with grace and wisdom to lead a life worthy of his/her vocation bearing fruit in every good work. May he/she be a blessing like the Blessed Virgin Mary to everyone he/she relates with by the way he/she understands, listens, respects, comforts, forgives, encourages and extends his/her helping hands. Amen.

For those who will fail to thank you tonight, I Pray… 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory be.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary and Meek Heart of Saint Joseph, God has entrusted to you te Child Jesus. I Entrust myself to you and my loved ones as well as all the sick, aged, disabled and the dying.
  • St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for our Country; 
  • All Saints and angels, pray for us; 
  • May the Souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God Rest in Peace. Amen.

NIHIL OBSTAT: Msgr. Benedicto S. Aquino, P.C.
IMPRIMATUR: Msgr. Josefino S. Ramirez, P.C.

Archdiocese of Manila         May 1, 1990
